TGIF!! The Paper Maniac is TURNING ONE and we are to celebrate with an awesome blog hop!! You are going to love all the fabulous eye candy and PRIZES waiting for you!
If you arrived here from Amy C's Blog then you are on the right track!
If not, you will want to go to Paper Maniac Store Blog and start at the beginning!!
In honor of this awesome celebration , I decided to make Happy Birthday Banner using the Echo Park Sweet Summertime Kit, Scallop and Circle Nestabilities and a little metallic ribbon!! I just LOVE how this turned out!! The Echo Park papers are AMAZING and I will definitely be ordering more just as soon as I can!!

Here is a quick rundown of all the fabulous PRIZES up for grabs. Be sure and check the Store Blog or Patti Olson's Blog - for COMPLETE details on all the prizes!!
****Big Blog Prize****
One Random Blog Hopper will receive a DELUXE Prize Package - Must leave a comment on each of the participating blogs by Sunday evening.
****Friend Prize****
Sign up as a Friend of Paper Maniac on Facebook and win a package of papers and stamps!!
****Wish List Prize****
Everyday between September 10th and 13th a customer wish list will be randomly selected and wishes will be granted (up to $25.00)
****Free Gift w/Purchase****
All purchases between September 1oth and 15th will have a gift included!!
Now head on over to see what the FABULOUS Dana Grothaus has in store for you!!